Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1st

Hard to believe today is June 1st. The kid only has 3 days left of school (and one of those is a party) and tomorrow is Little Miss' last day. PH has just finished up 5 nights in a row and I'm sure he'll sleep all day (whenever he gets home) and be pretty out of the loop for the next 24 hours or so until he recovers and transitions back into family life. These transitions are always so hard for the both of us. He just wants to decompress and rest. I'm happy to have another adult in the house after being the solo parent for so long.

Its housekeeper day today and it can't come soon enough since the house is a disaster. Little Miss managed to open the kid's hacky sack last night while I was brushing my teeth and now there are little beads all over the floor upstairs. I have a tough time keeping up with the house on a daily basis and prefer to do a huge clean the morning before the housekeepers come. I'm not sure PH agrees with this method but the kids just take things out again as I put others away. Thankfully, my mom is taking Little Miss for a few hours today as she tends to be the worst offender lately at 2.5 years old.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Projects I'm currently working on

I'm working on a few things right now. Some are more complicated than others. I save the easier ones for when the kids are around to avoid being distracted and making a mistake. Lately, I've been making a lot of wraps and scarves. Doesn't exactly make sense since I live in Florida but they work up quickly and they're portable.

I am halfway through Verdure. I am just putting the bobble edging on the Double Bobble Scarf from Crochet in Color: Techniques and Designs for Playing with Color by Kathy Merrick. I'm also working on the Splashy Flowers Scarf from Crochet in Color: Techniques and Designs for Playing with Color